Hope for Every Nation Reusable Sanitary Towel Project

We distribute high quality reusable cloth sanitary pads in Africa. We partner with corporate sponsors, individuals, and non-profit organizations to provide free reusable sanitary pads to disadvantaged schoolgirls. Personal hand delivery of the pads to schools is available, we are bringing affordable, sustainable, eco-friendly solutions to every woman and girl. Each pack of chemical free pads lasts up to 5 years, which means less irritation and infections, and less menstrual cramps. The pads are stain-resistant, super absorbent, and waterproof on the outer layer.


Numerous girls especially in rural villages of Africa miss 3-5 days of school monthly because they cannot afford sanitary pads. Oftentimes they substitute tissue, newspaper, dried cow dung wrapped in cloth, or foam from old mattresses to absorb menstrual blood flow. This has been proven to lead to dangerous infections and even sterility. Disposable pads take 500 years to decompose, and a woman will use 700 disposable pads every 5 years. Using these pads helps keep girls in school, and a girl with one extra year of education can earn 10-20% more as an adult. We propose this pack as an option for schoolgirl donations: 450r to start off a super flo bucket, 6 sanitary pads, drying clip, and cleaning supplies.